

3/4 cup water 

1 Oz( 2 tablespoons)Gelatin  

450g sugar 

For dusting:

1/2 cup corn flour 

1/2 cup powdered sugar


1️⃣Soak the gelatins for 5 minutes in water.

2️⃣Add half a cup of water to a pan and add the sugar.

3️⃣Switch on the fire.Stir it until it becomes thick and all the sugar dissolves.

4️⃣ Add the Gelatin mix well.

5️⃣Boil it until it forms one thread Consistency.

6️⃣Switch off the fire,Start Beating until it’s Frothy.

7️⃣ Add the coloring,Pour it on a buttered dish.Leave it aside to set for 6-10 hours.Preferably set it overnight.

8️⃣ Mix Cornflour and Icing sugar.Sprinkle that on top of the set Marshmallow.cut it into cubes and toss with the cornflour mix and store It In an airtight container.




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