Acacado Juice:

 Avocado Juice is mostly made by adding milk, Avocado fruit is creamy even just adding chilled water makes it a tasty Juice try and see.

Avocado juice:



🥑 2 Ripe Avocados

🥑1 Cup  Fresh Milk or 3 tablespoons of  Milk Powder 

🥑4 tablespoon sugar 

🥑1 1/2 cup of water


1️⃣Cut in between the seed of avocado

2️⃣Scoop the flesh out using a metal spoon.

3️⃣Add the milk powder (or milk), water, sugar into the blender and blend it until smooth.

4️⃣Yummy Avocado Juice is ready !





Avocados may have a range of health benefits, including improving digestion, decreasing the risk of depression, and protecting against cancer.

Also known as an alligator pear or butter fruit, avocados are actually a type of berry. They grow in warm climates.






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